Author - wphungerford

Large Dog Breeds Puppy Adoption

Facts About Large Dog Breeds

What To Know About Large Dog Breeds Have you ever seen a small person walking a large dog and wondered how and why they do it? Some people just love big dogs. Today we are going to discuss a few facts about large dog breeds that may leave you thinking bigger is better. They Offer More Protection Large dogs will undoubtedly scare...

Best Dog Breeds For Hiking

5 Best Dog Breeds for Hiking

What Are The Best Dog Breeds For Hiking? August is a great time to enjoy the trails with your dog. The end of summer temperatures are mild enough for you both to enjoy a midday hike. Time in the open air can help us unplug from technology and bond with our pet companions. While there are no rules regarding breeds...

Puppy Adoption Milestones Michigan

Milestones for a 4 Month Old Puppy

Four months old is one of many wonderful milestones for your puppy. Around this time things begin to fall into place. Potty accidents around the house rarely happen, if at all, crate training is a breeze, unruly barking starts to subside. If you have a new puppy here are the milestones your pup should achieve around this time. Keep in...

Bell Potty Training Method Puppies For Sale

Tips for Using the Bell Potty Training Method

One of the hardest jobs for new puppy parents is potty training. If you are like most new puppy parents, then you probably have combed the internet looking for help. You may have found the bell potty training method and wondered if your puppy is a good candidate. The answer is yes! Your dog can learn to alert you...

How To Break Your Puppy's Bad Habits

How to Break Your Puppy’s Bad Habits

We all have a few bad habits that we have picked up over time. Like humans, dogs can pick up some bad habits as they grow. Lucky for us, it's easier to break a dog's unwanted behavior than change our own. Dogs learn by association. They are bound to repeat an action that is rewarded. Below are two of...

Benefits of Buying a Gentle Giant Dog Breed

Good things do come in large packages -- Extra large dog breeds are a prime example. There is a whole lot of joy packed into those 100 -- 200 pound bodies of gentle giant breeds. These gentle giants usually have a mild, often comical temperament. Many are great family dogs. Things to consider before buying a gentle giant dog breed Be...

Should I bring my puppy?

As a new puppy owner it's hard to think of leaving your puppy at home alone. Ideally, you'd like to bring him everywhere but is that the right thing to do? Here's our take. Can your dog participate?  Leave your dog at home if you are doing something where your dog can't participate.  If your dog has to stay in the...

Fun activities for Dogs with lots of Energy

The sunshine and long summer days gives a unique opportunity for fun activities with your dog. Being in the house all day can not only be boring but it can leave your dog with extra energy. Here's are a few ideas for fun activities with your dog.  Summer splash- If your dog doesn't mind the water using the hose or...

Why some dogs bark and others don’t

If you live in an apartment and you are looking for the best apartment dog breeds then you've come to a great source. Understanding why some dogs bark more than others can help you select the perfect breed for your apartment lifestyle. With proper training every dog can be taught not to make noise, there are quite a few dog...

What Should I know Emotional Support Dogs?

Dogs can help relax and calm so, it's no wonder that people suffering from anxiety and depression commonly use dogs as emotional support animals. Training requirements: There is no training required for an emotional support dog, so any dog can be an emotional support animal (ESA) without any training. The main difference between an ESA and a service dog is that...

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