The Best Dog Breeds This Year

Are you looking for the best dog breeds of 2019? Well every dog breed is unique in their own way. Many of these dogs have different personalities that are similar to humans. There are lots and lots personalities that these dogs portray that range from loving to charismatic to extremely adventurous. Here are a few dogs that match these different personalities. If you are looking for a specific dog with a certain personality here’s some help.

  1. If you’re looking for an adventurous dog breed. The famous Labrador Retriever from the movie Marley and Me is exactly the dog you need to be your adventure buddy this year. These dogs love outdoor excursions and lake days. They are not afraid to get messy if that’s the type of fun that you like to have. They will be the best adventure buddy you could ever ask for this year.
  2. Most affectionate dog breed for a family. The best dog for a big family comes down to Frenchie pups. These dogs are one of the most fun and loving dogs that enjoy every moment spent with their family. Frenchie pups not only understand younger children’s playtime needs but also respect the boundaries of your older children too. Frenchie pups are super affectionate and do not like to be left out of family time.
  3. The most outgoing dog breed. The Pug has always been known for being extremely outgoing. These dogs know how to make their owners smile and have a great day. They are also not afraid to communicate their needs. These dogs do not grow to be that big in size so they won’t take up too much space in your home.

Hopefully this list of personalities with matching dogs helps you out a little bit. Making a decision on which dog breed to buy can be extremely hard if you have no idea what these dogs personalities are like. The most important thing to do is speak with one of our staff members! We can point you in the right direction and help you with this important decision.

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