Author - wphungerford

5 Steps for Bringing Home a New Puppy

Interested in our puppies for adoption? As an adoption center for puppies, we understand that bringing a puppy home takes a lot of preparation and patience. To help you out, we’ve created this guide that outlines the 5 steps for bringing home a new puppy.

5 Ways Children Benefit after Adopting a Puppy

Being a dog owner is a big responsibility, but it’s a responsibility that will add so much value to you and your children’s life. Not only do dogs chase away depression and loneliness, but they also help teach your kids responsibility and social skills.

How to Help Your Puppy Adjust to His New Home

Thinking of adopting a purebred puppy? Continue reading to learn how to help your puppy adjust to his new home. Between now and the day you bring home your puppy, you’ll need to make sure you have a plan for introducing the newest member of your family to other household members, including pets.

The Dog Days of Summer

The “dog days” of summer typically refer to the hot and humid summer days we spend hiding inside in the air conditioning. Most people know to stay out of the sun during peak hours, wear sunblock, and stay hydrated on days like this, but did you know there are also things you should be doing to protect your puppy?

5 Commands You Need to Teach Your Purebred Puppy

Have you recently adopted a new puppy and are looking to train him? The puppy training process can be a very fun process, but it can also come with its challenges. For that reason, the puppy adoption specialists at The Barking Boutique have put together some helpful training tips to help you with your new puppy addition!

5 Puppy Training Tips for New Dog Owners

Have you recently adopted a new puppy and are looking to train him? The puppy training process can be a very fun process, but it can also come with its challenges. For that reason, the puppy adoption specialists at The Barking Boutique have put together some helpful training tips to help you with your new puppy addition!

7 Ways to Improve Your Bond with Your Puppy

If you are a new dog owner, you’ll want to read up on the ways you can bond with your new puppy. While play time and dog treats are a great way to bond with your new pet, there are other things you can do to help your dog learn to trust and love you. In this blog post,...

What Exactly Is Purpose Breeding?

Different dog breeds are known for specific temperaments and skills sets. This is why it’s important to contact a purebred puppy adoption center when looking for a dog that needs to be trained to complete a specific task. Not only do professional dog breeders specialize in specific breeds, but they also evaluate puppies from the same litter to determine...

Why Train Purpose-Bred Puppies to be Service Dogs?

As a purebred puppy adoption center, we often get asked why most service dogs are purpose bred. While rescue or shelter puppies can still become service dogs, it’s less common because trainers need to be confident of how they’ll respond to unfamiliar situations. This is often determined by what temperaments and skill sets are common to a dog breed.

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